Friday, May 6, 2011


 One of the things that we individuals don’t often think when it comes to fishing, is that fishing can have a big impact in our oceans.  Overfishing is an issue that is affecting the ocean especially in the Mediterranean, most of the species living in the Mediterranean are being wipeout do to overfishing.  It is predicted by the scientists that in a few years more than 40 species could be extinct In the Mediterranean.  The cause of all these is the method that the fisher man use to catch the fish, fishing lines, gill and specially trawling net are the cause of an  unnecessary caught of fish.  Some of this fish that are being caught and they don’t event have a commercial value do to their size or is not the species of fish that fisherman intended to catch.  Also trawling nets destroyed the sea bottom when fish are being caught in the process, it is devastating because small marine creatures live their that are part of the food chain for other marine creatures.  On top of that the sea floor is a home for marine creatures and there is the place that they reproduce.  Scientists recommend that fishing law need to be reinforce, make new marine reserve, review the fishing quotas and minimize as much that we can the pollution on the ocean.
            If the  overfishing continues with out putting limitations, then their will not be no more species in the ocean to exit and be part of the ecosystem.  It is important that we live the marine species to reproduce so they can have time reproduce and spread as they were ones before fisherman started to overfish.  Everyday that pass by it is more difficult for people to find these marine creatures in the ocean.  The bony fish, bluefin tuna, sea bass, and sharks are some of the few species that are in danger to vanish from our ecosystem.   What is going to happened when this marine creatures are no more.  Some of these marine creatures have a purposed in the ocean, it can help other marine creature and in the long run it might benefit human beings in a way.  The fishing industries are having difficulties on finding some of these marine specimens, because of this fisherman are catching few fish and it being sale at a high prize and in some parts of the world fish is very popular, like Japan, its population consume 80 percent of bluefin fish and two different species of tuna are used specially for does that are  sushi lovers.  It is of big concern that that our leaders start taking some action about this situation,  the marine ecosystem is being affected because we human beings are doing to much overfishing or unnecessary and we are doing more, pollution and trash.  People are the cause why  Mother Nature is being affected by some thins that people do.  If some kind of action is not taken soon than there will be nothing remain that can sustain our ecosystem.

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